Past Sea Turtle Patients
Below are past sea turtle patients which The Olive Ridley Project team has cared for.
Meet Lakia
Lakia was found entangled in ghost gear by the water villas at Inter Continental Maamunagau in Raa Atoll.
Meet Kakuni
Kakuni is an adult female olive ridley who was found with entanglement wounds near Heritance Arah in Raa Atoll.
Meet Heidi
Heidi was found entangled in a big ghost net at Dropped Pin, near Laccadive Sea, in South Male Atoll, in April 2018. We initially thought Heidi was a she, but later realised Heidi is a male! Heidi is a double flipper amputee and cannot be realeased into the wild.
Meet Fari
Fari is a juvenile olive ridley sea turtle that was found entangled in ghost net near Fair Islands, in North Male Atoll. She has severe injuries to her right and rear left flippers. She is very thing and dehydrated but is now in recovery.